Thursday, August 3, 2017

I Trust You

It may mean more to Jesus when we say, "I trust You" than "I love You"

How much easier is it to say "I love you" than "I trust you?" We say we love all the time, but what does it cost? What does it mean? How do we prove it? What are the risks? But to say I trust you, means we have an experience, a history, we have risked something, put ourselves on the line; it means we have the scars and the x-rays to show for our time in the field of our lives. "I love you" can be said at any time, for any reason, but "I trust you" only comes after falling together, knowing together.

Excerpt from "Western Songlines" by Dave Brisbin

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Hold Lightly, But Don't Let Go

My young son is growing too quickly. Birthday parties are filled with young boys on the verge of teen hood. Voices lower, lips showing signs of incoming puberty. Young boys I have known since Brennan was in kindergarten. Did I blink too long? Did I lose track of time? The round sweet pink colored cheeks of youth are now transforming into thinner chiseled features of manhood. I had to hold back tears.  I'm not sure if it is sadness that took over for a moment, or the knowledge that time passes too quickly and I am just not ready. I guess, a little of both.

The next day was spent taking Brennan to meet friends that wanted to see the Emoji movie. Because of the distance we had to drive to meet the friends, I decided to stay and see the movie. I promised the boys I would stay out of their way and sit somewhere far. This was the first trek of Bren's without parents in sight. I wanted to give him that. Holding loosely, but still nearby if needed. Does that ever really go away, no matter what the age? And so, the movie was a hit with me. No crass language, no violence. A cartoon action, love story with emoji's as characters. The boys, being boys, and intensely intelligent for their ages have discussed the concept and deep meaning of the movie and decided it was beneath them and much better for young girls and their mothers.

The movie ended, the group of  boys skipped and jumped down the stairs (a leftover semblance of youth I appreciated). I made myself invisible as their next plan was to walk to the frozen yogurt shop where the parents would eventually come and pick everyone up. I decided to walk over to one of the last standing bookstores in Orange County to let the time pass more quickly.

This is where my day blossomed. Do you remember bookstores? When my husband and I started dating, it became a constant for us to go to a movie, but to leave early so that we could spend time in a nearby Barnes & Noble. There is nothing like it. The memories flooded back. It was like Amazon came to life and I could touch and feel and smell the books. The leather bounds, the soft carpeted aisles, the chairs meant for lite reading, the sounds of happy book lovers and the smell of Starbucks coffee emanating from the corner of the store. This was a piece of heaven I had not experienced in years.  Am I over stating this? No, (with a smile). For some this is a getaway.. I could've lost myself here for hours. But, the phone call came and I snapped out of my brief euphoria and back to reality. My son was done. It was time to go.

So I was given a glimpse of my son's future and an experience of his amazing friends and a gift of a long ago memory brought back to life. The realization that we truly pave paradise and throw away treasures for all things new and knowing that I can only hold lightly to my son, as he will not stop growing, maturing to manhood.

It was a living in the moment experience. A new memory to tuck away and cherish. Forward on, as it is the only direction we should move, but not letting go of the beautiful memories gifted to me and beloved.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Song of Songs - Session 8

Song of Songs 1:4

Monday, June 11, 2017, 8:30am. This session will be printed and passed out. Here is your link just in case you need it sooner.
Session 8 The Bride’s Life Vision (Song 1:4)

written by Donna Heinrich
to be used with “Studies in the Song of Solomon” by Mike Bickle

Session 8     (10 questions total) 

I.                     INTRODUCTION – Short Review of Song 1:1-4
1.       What does Song 1:2 mean?  (How could you explain the sensual terminology as an analogy?)
2.       How would you explain the meaning of verse 3?
3.       Verse 4 speaks of ‘running after you’.  What does it mean, and who are you running with? 
4.       In the first half of verse 4, what does ‘the king has brought me into his chambers’ mean to you? 

II.                   THE EXPRESSION OF HER FERVENCY: 2-fold life vision
5.       Do you have a ‘life vision’, which encompasses your short and long term goals for your family, your vocation and ministry?  If not, would you consider praying about one? 
6.       What 2 things are we to balance as our life vision unfolds? 
7.       What goals could you set in order to have a more focused life in the following areas: 
spiritual, relational, vocational, ministry, economic, physical and rest?

8.       What is the time in the King’s chamber all about, and why is it important?


9.       M.B. suggests three ways in which we ‘are glad and rejoice in Him’?  What are they?


10.   If a chamber experience is defined as a time when God woos, warns and confronts us so that we grow in the Spirit, can you share a time when you experienced this?  Mike Bickle says that it is not enough to have these experiences; we must also act on them by setting our soul to agree with what God spoke to us.  Do you agree with him? Can you share a time when you were challenged to do just that?  

Mike Bickle - Song of Songs Study

We had a wonderful bible study this morning, but we missed several of you and hope to see you next week!  We began  Session 7, the Fragrance of Jesus, today and will continue it next Monday.  Please read the whole lesson and make notes about what touches your heart.  There are no questions this week to work through, but rather the following assignment:

Research scripture, write down and meditate on God's thoughts and emotions toward you.  This is 'the fragrance of His good ointments'.  Pray into them for yourself during the week and be filled with HOPE!

Fear is Life Without Faith

Fear is simply life without Faith

When you come to the realization that God is with you, within you, and that you are never alone...then contemplate the lengths that he chose to show you His perfect
 love, you will start to understand. Do you think He would have done all that He did to let you live aimlessly on this earth? No dear child of God. No.

Focus on Him. Ponder His Word. Spend "time" with Him.

Don't think of it as sitting alone in silence. You are not alone, and the silence is needed to hear Him. Whether God places thoughts in your mind or you are open to hearing His audible voice. He will share Himself with you.

Are you ready? Why not?

I lived without God and in fear for so many years of my life. Thinking that I would need to give up something (everything) to be a good Christian. Not only did things start slipping away by themselves,when I started to follow Christ, but as I grew closer, I could see that my life was becoming richer, fuller in Him.

It is always your choice. To lean in, or to not. It's not about religion. It's not about what church you attend. Church is a building to bring believers together... It serves a purpose. But, first and most important to your choice is that you will now carry Christ with you in your heart. You "are" the church.

To choose Christ, or to not. There is no pressure on you. Don't choose out of guilt or fear or feel yourself being manipulated to be a follower of Christ. He doesn't want you to come to Him that way. He is pure love.. He is pure joy.. He is your Father.. He is longing for you to be free. Choose Him and you will not be sorry. Man may hurt and deceive you, but God never will.

Choose Him..what have you got to lose? What have you to gain?
You can always choose to leave, but if you truly seek the heart of Him Who loves you, you won't want to leave. Your heart will long to know Him more.

Praying that whoever reads this comes to the beautiful and profound knowledge of Who Christ truly is.
The freedom that will overcome all else.
The love that knows no bounds.

Ephesians 3:17-18(NIV)

17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,


Did you know that the phrase "do not be afraid" is in the Bible 365 times?

A reminder for every day of your life!

Women's Bible Study - Mondays

Monday, May 1, 2017

Gershom Sikaala - This Friday, May 5th at 7pm. All are welcome!

We are honored to have Gershom Sikaala speak at our church!
Come share in the blessing!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


  1. a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.
    "its landscape has undergone a radical transformation"
    • a metamorphosis during the life cycle of an animal.
      the induced or spontaneous change of one element into another by a nuclear process.

    Please note: a metamorphosis during the "life" cycle....
    I have had so many women share with me ( and I have been here ), that they do not feel God present and/or working in their lives. They are bereft with troubles. Marriage struggles, children failing to launch, health issues, disappointments... I can go on, can you relate?

    Please know, a seed is planted. Then it must be watered. 

    Watered with scripture, with prayer (conversation with God), with the Holy Spirit, with experience, with connection to others. 

    I am not one who's seed flourished upon planting. My walk with God has been a journey, albeit the changes in me took place without my noticing at first. Is this happening in your life?

    A sprinkling of a ha's.. a noticeable change in how I react..a heart mending..acceptance of things once not acceptable..a softening of the heart..patience..compassion. Gifts of transformation given to me along the way. Beautiful gifts. For me...a journey, an impatient one at times, but yet a journey.

    I was even angry that God did not just "touch" me and change me instantly for a very long time! I saw this happen to people. They would be healed of a hurt, an illness, or have something miraculous happen that would just absolutely change them and strengthen their faith immediately. I was jealous of these, I am ever so grateful that my walk has been as it has been. Why? Because, for me, this was what God needed to do. He needed to peel away the hurts of the past and hold my hand and walk with me, open my eyes and show me things. It's not that I did not believe, or that I was not instantly saved when I accepted Christ in to my heart, I did believe and I did accept, I just did not get an instant download, and I want to assure you that not everyone does. 

    For me, the journey has strengthened my foundation. It is concrete and I am clothed in my faith in a way that I would not have been had my walk been any other way. The trials, the pain, the situations, the outcomes all make me who I am today. 

    Like a child who puts her hand in a candy jar and pulls out the most perfect candy..she is content and runs off. I didn't find the right candy right away. I kept dipping into the candy jar. I still dip into the candy jar. The sweetness of the scriptures that speak to me. Those that once meant little, now pop out at me. The sweetness of prayer. Once a seemingly one sided conversation is now met with a feeling of presence and an enveloping of love. And on those days that I don't feel, it's ok, because I now know. I just know. 

    This is a snippet of my walk with Christ. My personal walk. We are all so different and can not expect what we see "going on" with someones walk should be the same for us. We are all so intricately different. We all hear His voice in different ways. Don't discount that God is not working in your life because you are comparing your journey to someone else's. That is the worst thing you can do. And, don't let man tell you how your walk should be in its entirety, because God may have different roads and avenues for you to experience, You do not want to miss what God has for you because you are trying to copy someone else's walk. 

    I pray that today you find peace and solace in the fact that you have an amazing God, Who is an amazing Father. A Father Who loves you unconditionally and wants the very best for you. He wants you to have a beautiful life "now" and He wants you to be prepared for forever. I pray that you will walk this journey today, knowing that He is by your side and you are never alone. I pray that your eyes will be opened and you will see His work in your life today. I pray that you will realize the trans-formative nature of this beautiful walk...that you will look back and see just how much He has guided and directed you. He has and will always, hold your hand.

    Bless you today and always. In love. M

    "I am the Good Shepherd: I know my sheep and my sheep know me--"
    John 10:14

    "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
    Jeremiah 29:11

    "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." 
    Romans 12:2