Do you hear Him say, Look Up Child?
Theeffect - Women
The effect of one Man, Jesus, in our lives. The beautiful transformation of our lives to that of freedom in Christ. "For by grace you have been saved through faith, And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God" ~ Ephesians 2:8
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Re-Learning Sin & Repentance
When you see the word sin, or someone mentions the word sin, do you get an ill feeling that runs through your mind and body?
When I was young I grew up in the Catholic Church. Now that I am an adult I can look back on those days with gratitude for the seeds that were planted that have brought me to where I am today, but there was a long detour before I got here...when I was a child, some of the lessons taught were harsh and stayed with me for much too long.
In a very early grade, one of the nuns/a teacher told all of the children in my classroom that each sin that we commit creates a black dot on our soul. She went on to say that if our heart was consumed by these black dots, there was no return and we would spend eternity in hell. Then we were shown depictions of what hell was...
A young child does not question an adult. And no one ever disputed this to me in those early years.
Let me just add, she did not mention the words "repentance" or "grace" or even the "forgiveness of sins" by the sacrifice that Christ made for us.
So, imagine possibly the mentality of a 1st grader trying to grasp this concept...
I am sure she meant well, right? Just trying to keep us from sinning... not realizing the consequences her words yielded.. Now fast forward to a freshman girl in high school, who is standing with a group of brand new friends, from a brand new school (peer pressure) in a sports field and watching them all smoke marijuana... feeling like this would be wrong, but... hey, my soul is most likely fully black with the dots of my accumulated sins, and I am already going to hell, so why not smoke that stuff...?
Yes, this was me.. not too smart.. not educated on sin, or repentance, or the LOVE of Christ and the forgiveness of sins. This was an innocent sin, but there were far more dangerous sins that followed me through my teens and young adulthood because I truly thought I was already damned. I was never taught differently. How was I to know?
There was no real study of the Bible in my parochial school. We were taught church dogma and doctrine, but not the beautiful words of the New Testament, that would surely have enveloped me with a better understanding of Who our God is.
So, what exactly does sin mean?
During our Bible study today, our leader, Donna, had researched many Greek and Hebrew words."Cheit" the Hebrew word for sin, which simply means, "missing the mark" The Greek word for sin is "hamartia" again, this means to "miss the mark."
Missing the mark. Not as radical as an unforgivable offense that leads you to hell.
We also covered repentance today. When we realize that we have "missed the mark." we can turn to God and ask for His forgiveness. AND WE WILL BE FORGIVEN! Somehow this concept was not alluded to in my childhood, so I was forever feeling like I was a horrible person, and the big scary God that I was taught of was ashamed of me.
In Hebrew the word for repentance is "teshuvah." which means literally "to return." This implies that transgression and sin are the natural and inevitable consequence of man's straying from God, and that it is mans destiny to be with God. So we return...
In Greek the word for repentance is metanoia. The word is translated as repentance, but this kind of repentance is not about regret, guilt or shame; it implies making a decision to, turn around, to face a new direction. We see it as turning back to God.
While I cannot cover everything that was discussed in our lesson today, this is what stayed with me so strongly. Never again do I want to see someone hurt or shamed by people, when our Lord is just waiting for us to know His truth and to fall into His arms, in our days of missing the mark, sorrow and days of praise.
We are imperfect people. We make mistakes. We sin, yes...we fall short sometimes. Our sin separates us from our Father, but there is always a way back!
We are loved so deeply by a gracious God. He asks us to sin no more, because it hurts us and those around us. That is what sin does, so it is only right that we should turn away from sin and turn back to our Father.
If you live with shame, please give this to Jesus. He died to take away that shame. Holding on to sin and shame will keep you under the constant cloud of self condemnation. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus.
Remember, repentance is a beautiful thing! It leads us to the most glorious freedom! (KWI, Journey)
Now go live that glorious freedom! Enjoy this life! Keep turning back! You are loved by a gracious, merciful and understanding God. He forgives you... remember to forgive yourself! ❤
Beautiful scriptures for your week::
Psalm 51:17
Psalm 139:23-24
Ephesians 2:8
Acts 10:43
John 1:7
Psalm 119:9-11
1 John 1:10
Homework for our ladies and those who wish to follow this week:
Read from, Secrets of the Secret Place, Bob Sorge, Chapters 20,21
Read Philippians 2
When I was young I grew up in the Catholic Church. Now that I am an adult I can look back on those days with gratitude for the seeds that were planted that have brought me to where I am today, but there was a long detour before I got here...when I was a child, some of the lessons taught were harsh and stayed with me for much too long.
In a very early grade, one of the nuns/a teacher told all of the children in my classroom that each sin that we commit creates a black dot on our soul. She went on to say that if our heart was consumed by these black dots, there was no return and we would spend eternity in hell. Then we were shown depictions of what hell was...
A young child does not question an adult. And no one ever disputed this to me in those early years.
Let me just add, she did not mention the words "repentance" or "grace" or even the "forgiveness of sins" by the sacrifice that Christ made for us.
So, imagine possibly the mentality of a 1st grader trying to grasp this concept...
I am sure she meant well, right? Just trying to keep us from sinning... not realizing the consequences her words yielded.. Now fast forward to a freshman girl in high school, who is standing with a group of brand new friends, from a brand new school (peer pressure) in a sports field and watching them all smoke marijuana... feeling like this would be wrong, but... hey, my soul is most likely fully black with the dots of my accumulated sins, and I am already going to hell, so why not smoke that stuff...?
Yes, this was me.. not too smart.. not educated on sin, or repentance, or the LOVE of Christ and the forgiveness of sins. This was an innocent sin, but there were far more dangerous sins that followed me through my teens and young adulthood because I truly thought I was already damned. I was never taught differently. How was I to know?
There was no real study of the Bible in my parochial school. We were taught church dogma and doctrine, but not the beautiful words of the New Testament, that would surely have enveloped me with a better understanding of Who our God is.
So, what exactly does sin mean?
During our Bible study today, our leader, Donna, had researched many Greek and Hebrew words."Cheit" the Hebrew word for sin, which simply means, "missing the mark" The Greek word for sin is "hamartia" again, this means to "miss the mark."
Missing the mark. Not as radical as an unforgivable offense that leads you to hell.
We also covered repentance today. When we realize that we have "missed the mark." we can turn to God and ask for His forgiveness. AND WE WILL BE FORGIVEN! Somehow this concept was not alluded to in my childhood, so I was forever feeling like I was a horrible person, and the big scary God that I was taught of was ashamed of me.
In Hebrew the word for repentance is "teshuvah." which means literally "to return." This implies that transgression and sin are the natural and inevitable consequence of man's straying from God, and that it is mans destiny to be with God. So we return...
In Greek the word for repentance is metanoia. The word is translated as repentance, but this kind of repentance is not about regret, guilt or shame; it implies making a decision to, turn around, to face a new direction. We see it as turning back to God.
While I cannot cover everything that was discussed in our lesson today, this is what stayed with me so strongly. Never again do I want to see someone hurt or shamed by people, when our Lord is just waiting for us to know His truth and to fall into His arms, in our days of missing the mark, sorrow and days of praise.
We are imperfect people. We make mistakes. We sin, yes...we fall short sometimes. Our sin separates us from our Father, but there is always a way back!
We are loved so deeply by a gracious God. He asks us to sin no more, because it hurts us and those around us. That is what sin does, so it is only right that we should turn away from sin and turn back to our Father.
If you live with shame, please give this to Jesus. He died to take away that shame. Holding on to sin and shame will keep you under the constant cloud of self condemnation. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus.
Remember, repentance is a beautiful thing! It leads us to the most glorious freedom! (KWI, Journey)
Now go live that glorious freedom! Enjoy this life! Keep turning back! You are loved by a gracious, merciful and understanding God. He forgives you... remember to forgive yourself! ❤
Beautiful scriptures for your week::
Psalm 51:17
Psalm 139:23-24
Ephesians 2:8
Acts 10:43
John 1:7
Psalm 119:9-11
1 John 1:10
Homework for our ladies and those who wish to follow this week:
Read from, Secrets of the Secret Place, Bob Sorge, Chapters 20,21
Read Philippians 2
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Wednesday With Heritage
I hope that those of you who attended Heritage this morning were as blessed as I was!
The worship was so beautiful! I loved the energy in the room and the love that was surrounding me (you all) today.
The testimonies given by the women were so good. As we all create that "Secret Place" for our time with our Father, you will all have your own testimonies and I cant wait to hear them.
When we take that "time" just to "listen" to God... whether it is in a special place made for that purpose, or while sitting in our car, we will hear Him... please take a moment to listen for His voice. Even now. He will not disappoint you.
I have to share my testimony from this morning. There was prayer for healing for the ladies in the room and I believe it was Tiffany who prayed for those who had necks that were hurting. Frankly you all, I am always hurting everywhere, so I didn't think this prayer was for me. She asked the women to put their hands on their necks and she prayed. Well, I realized a few minutes later, while we were into the next prayer that my neck didn't hurt. Before the prayer my neck and spine were hurting, but maybe because the pain was connected to my spine I just didn't accept the prayer... but I realized that my neck and spine were not in pain! I don't know about you all, but I embrace this and own it and I am so grateful! Thank you Lord, Praise God!!
To me it was a God touch that I needed so desperately today. I won't lie, life has been a little rough lately. I had no more to pour out to anyone and God poured Himself into me this morning.
Please ladies, if you have testimonies, do not hold back. Please post or email us! Would love to hear from you!
Now I leave you with the song that we ended our meeting with this morning. Be blessed and I can't wait to see you all! God bless you and yours!
Cindi, Marti, Debi and Asia, you were very missed!
Praying that God anoints you with His own healing oil right now. Father be with these women and touch them with Your healing power. Your name is Above sickness! All glory, praise and honor are Yours Almighty Father!
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Wednesday Mornings - Reading the Bible for Deeper Connection
Hello Ladies! There are some of you that cannot make a Wednesday morning, but I hope that my notes will help you to feel as if you were present with us. Please join in the scripture reading with us. We will also be reading out of the Bob Sorge book, "Secrets of the Secret Place." Homework is listed below.
Please note: Next Wednesday, October 2nd, we will all be meeting at Heritage Christian Fellowship. The address is 190 Avenida La Pata, San Clemente, CA 92673
Please come at 9 am for fellowship, snacks and worship upstairs.
Thank you Donna for leading us this past Wednesday and for showing us a way to read the Bible for a deeper connection. Your hospitality and that Nespresso machine is spoiling us!! Thank you Asia for bringing snacks for us, they were awesome!
Please, if you were with us, relive this morning for a moment and share what stood out for you❣ Maybe write this in your journal, or share with us below.
We received a treasure of thoughts yesterday. Our shares were heartfelt and touched each of us. A highlight for me yesterday was when we read the Beatitudes and then scriptures aloud together and made them prayers. This was powerful and moving. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit clearly grow stronger with each scripture read. What a beautiful way to welcome God into our presence! There is something to reading the Word out loud, isn't there? It resonates even deeper for me. Does it for you?
(I will list the scriptures below just in case you would like to review them)
As we read through the scriptures and prayed, and when Judy read Luke 21:33 "Heaven and earth may pass away, but My Words will by no means pass away," I had (I believe God gave me) a mental vision of the 9/11 aftermath and the metal that was left standing that resembled a cross and the Bible page and passage that was found infused on metal shaped as a heart at the site.
The passage that was found was Matthew 5:38-39, "You have heard that it was said, "eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." This is one of the ways God, through His Holy Spirit, speaks to me. He gives me mental visions and/or scripture passages. By reading His Word we grow a deeper connection with our Father and He will speak to us in may ways. By memorizing His Word, His Words will be written on our hearts forever and will come to mind when we need them.
He speaks to all of us differently. It might be signs, whispers, a word of knowledge... there are so many ways. Do not get disheartened if you don't see the connections right away. They will come. He is always speaking to us. We just need to be open to all that He has for us. How does God speak to you?
Donna read "Scrolls and Coal" (Click to go to book on It was an adventure on being in God's Word. I read so many stories like this to my kids. I wish I had had this back then! Thank you Donna, for helping us to be little girls again... if even for a moment.
Scriptures we read on Wednesday:
Psalm 119:8, John 17:17, Proverbs 4:22, Jeremiah 1:12, Psalm 107:20, Isaiah 55:10-11, Isaiah 40:8, Luke 21:33, Jeremiah, 23:29, Deuteronomy 30:14, Psalm 119:130, Hebrews 4:12 Deuteronomy 8:3, Psalm 119:11, Jeremiah 33:3
Just one last note 🥰
Please ladies, if you would like time to fellowship, and I know we love this part of the morning, please arrive by 9 am. Let's try and have our coffee and snacks together before we start the study. Donna is being so gracious with her home and out of respect for her graciousness, I would prefer that we not bring food into her living room. For coffee, I will bring covered cups so that we won't have spills.
This way we can also start the study on time, 9:30 am. Donna and I sometimes need to go to work directly after the study, so timeliness is so very appreciated.
Thank you so much for understanding.
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Please note: Next Wednesday, October 2nd, we will all be meeting at Heritage Christian Fellowship. The address is 190 Avenida La Pata, San Clemente, CA 92673
Please come at 9 am for fellowship, snacks and worship upstairs.
We will be back at Donna's house the following Wednesday, October 9th.
Thank you Donna for leading us this past Wednesday and for showing us a way to read the Bible for a deeper connection. Your hospitality and that Nespresso machine is spoiling us!! Thank you Asia for bringing snacks for us, they were awesome!
Please, if you were with us, relive this morning for a moment and share what stood out for you❣ Maybe write this in your journal, or share with us below.
We received a treasure of thoughts yesterday. Our shares were heartfelt and touched each of us. A highlight for me yesterday was when we read the Beatitudes and then scriptures aloud together and made them prayers. This was powerful and moving. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit clearly grow stronger with each scripture read. What a beautiful way to welcome God into our presence! There is something to reading the Word out loud, isn't there? It resonates even deeper for me. Does it for you?
(I will list the scriptures below just in case you would like to review them)
As we read through the scriptures and prayed, and when Judy read Luke 21:33 "Heaven and earth may pass away, but My Words will by no means pass away," I had (I believe God gave me) a mental vision of the 9/11 aftermath and the metal that was left standing that resembled a cross and the Bible page and passage that was found infused on metal shaped as a heart at the site.
The passage that was found was Matthew 5:38-39, "You have heard that it was said, "eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." This is one of the ways God, through His Holy Spirit, speaks to me. He gives me mental visions and/or scripture passages. By reading His Word we grow a deeper connection with our Father and He will speak to us in may ways. By memorizing His Word, His Words will be written on our hearts forever and will come to mind when we need them.
He speaks to all of us differently. It might be signs, whispers, a word of knowledge... there are so many ways. Do not get disheartened if you don't see the connections right away. They will come. He is always speaking to us. We just need to be open to all that He has for us. How does God speak to you?
Donna read "Scrolls and Coal" (Click to go to book on It was an adventure on being in God's Word. I read so many stories like this to my kids. I wish I had had this back then! Thank you Donna, for helping us to be little girls again... if even for a moment.
God is calling out to you daily, and we receive a deeper understanding and knowledge of this as we delve deeper into the Bible. He is longing for that deeper connection with each of us. I know we all have times when we are unplugged, and life gets hard and we step back... but He is always there waiting patiently for you to reconnect. He does not condemn, He is pure love. So rest in Him, in His Word and reach out to those He has brought onto this journey with you. We have all been brought together and we are all a part of this study for a purpose 💓
My writing feels a little choppy today. I am not feeling well and words are not flowing. I may come back and shine it all up a bit later. I wanted to make sure that you all have the homework that is assigned for this week and the scriptures we shared yesterday. If you have anything that you would like me to share with everyone, please feel free to email me and I can add it to the Blog if you would like, or you can share below.
I encourage you all to be in God's Word daily.
Our homework for the next week is to read The Book of John, Chapters 9 through 11, and Psalms 5 and 6.
We are also going to start the Bob Sorge Book this week, "The Secrets of the Secret Place." Chapters 1 and 2.
Our Bible Verse to memorize (if you choose to do so): John 8:31-32, Then Jesus said to the Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My Word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
It might seem like a lot, but we won't be back to Donna's house until October 9th, so we have a lot of time to read, contemplate and journal. A little each day.
Listen for His voice as you read and journal. Ask God to speak to you this week. Invite Him into your heart and mind and into your secret thoughts. He is with you!
Please don't forget to pray for the woman who's prayer card you received. If you receive words that edify, lift up or would comfort her, please, please share them with her.
Our homework for the next week is to read The Book of John, Chapters 9 through 11, and Psalms 5 and 6.
We are also going to start the Bob Sorge Book this week, "The Secrets of the Secret Place." Chapters 1 and 2.
Our Bible Verse to memorize (if you choose to do so): John 8:31-32, Then Jesus said to the Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My Word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
It might seem like a lot, but we won't be back to Donna's house until October 9th, so we have a lot of time to read, contemplate and journal. A little each day.
Listen for His voice as you read and journal. Ask God to speak to you this week. Invite Him into your heart and mind and into your secret thoughts. He is with you!
Please don't forget to pray for the woman who's prayer card you received. If you receive words that edify, lift up or would comfort her, please, please share them with her.
Thank you Asia for this picture!!
Scriptures we read on Wednesday:
Psalm 119:8, John 17:17, Proverbs 4:22, Jeremiah 1:12, Psalm 107:20, Isaiah 55:10-11, Isaiah 40:8, Luke 21:33, Jeremiah, 23:29, Deuteronomy 30:14, Psalm 119:130, Hebrews 4:12 Deuteronomy 8:3, Psalm 119:11, Jeremiah 33:3
Just one last note 🥰
This way we can also start the study on time, 9:30 am. Donna and I sometimes need to go to work directly after the study, so timeliness is so very appreciated.
Thank you so much for understanding.
Donna was going to share this with us yesterday, but we ran out of time. It is a beautiful song to soak with. Enjoy!.
God Bless Your Week!
Thursday, September 19, 2019
I can't believe that I have not touched this Blog in over a year! It has been quite the year! Moving our church 2X, a church and office build out, homeschooling so much more! Whew, right?! ...
A little tired 😂 but also amazingly energized to start this new study. Something to breathe fresh new wind beneath my/our wings!! God has such a way of picking us up, dusting us off and showing us that He is our strength and comforter, doesn't He? How easily I forget that He ever present! He is a where I\we can rest and regroup...but only when we push the other things aside and make the time for Him. Time miraculously grows... and time spent with Him becomes like the air that we need to breathe... then we want more and He sustains us!

Let's Recap!
Week One was spent with Heritage Church. How wonderful it was to join up with other like minded women (97 of them!) who are hungering for more of God in their lives! The worship was like fresh rain and it was so good to sit with our ladies and get a feel of what our days ahead would be like!
Journey Into Intimacy! Cultivating a lifestyle in God's Presence! And some Thank Yous!
Thank you to Donna Heinrich for opening your home to all of the women at theeffect! A beautiful and gracious host! Thank you Donna for your heart and hospitality! I am so looking forward to co-leading these precious ladies with you this year!
Thank you to Heritage Christian Fellowship in San Clemente, for grafting our ladies into your family of women and sharing this study with us.
Thank you to the women at theeffect church for saying with your valuable time, that our Father, our faith, this study, and these women are worth your time and commitment on Wednesday mornings! I do believe that God has plans for this group and each woman individually. I thank Him immensely for how He will speak into each of our lives and grow us even closer into His image!
I welcome each and every one of you to add comments and share what you may have received. Communication will add more thought and knowledge,insight to our week, and will help each other on this journey! Feel free to text and email each other throughout the week, please!
And now the study.... * This week was a delving into the Bible's personal nature and purpose. The Bible is God's love story for us. We read the Word not merely to gain head knowledge, but heart insight and transformation. We learned that we read to hear God's voice. We know that His Word will speak life into every area of our existence.
We were encouraged to read the Word daily. When we do this, a passion will grow within to stay in the Word, and the Word will create in you, with His Holy Spirit, an understanding of God Himself. The key is to be in the Word, taking it in, as it is truly our spiritual food, and then we will learn that the Bible reveals our new identity in Christ.
The Bible is Living and Active, and not merely a book. God speaks to us and into our lives with scripture. All scripture is God-breathed and inspired by the Holy Spirit. When we read, God speaks and his Holy Spirit reveals and activates gospel truth into our hearts and minds.
We shared beautiful and amazing testimonies of how God has spoken and is continuously speaking into our lives. Thank you so much to each of you! Your shares were great! I have known some of you for years and heard new testimonies that were powerful to my own heart!
Our homework last week was John, Chapters 1 through 5, and Psalms 1 and 2, (Sorry Judy! 😉), and to journal.
Homework for this week is to read John, Chapters 6 through 8, and Psalms 3 and 4, and to journal. Read the Beatitudes that were handed out.
Try to find quiet time to read the Word slowly throughout the week. Meditate on what you read, and memorize passages that stand out to you if you can. Journal your thoughts, prayers and dreams, as God will speak to your heart throughout the week. If you don't have time to read, you can listen to scriptures on phone apps or you can find them on YouTube (thank you JoAnn for letting us know). This is just one version, but there are more.
Please don't forget to carry your prayer card and to pray for the woman who gave you her card! And please keep her prayer request in your prayers. Prayer is so powerful! The power of prayer should never be underestimated! "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective" James 5:16. So never lose heart and never give up on prayer. God hears you!
Thank you again ladies! We will see you next Wednesday, September 25th at Donna's house!
Here for you always!
Kingdom Women International
A little tired 😂 but also amazingly energized to start this new study. Something to breathe fresh new wind beneath my/our wings!! God has such a way of picking us up, dusting us off and showing us that He is our strength and comforter, doesn't He? How easily I forget that He ever present! He is a where I\we can rest and regroup...but only when we push the other things aside and make the time for Him. Time miraculously grows... and time spent with Him becomes like the air that we need to breathe... then we want more and He sustains us!
Let's Recap!
Week One was spent with Heritage Church. How wonderful it was to join up with other like minded women (97 of them!) who are hungering for more of God in their lives! The worship was like fresh rain and it was so good to sit with our ladies and get a feel of what our days ahead would be like!
Journey Into Intimacy! Cultivating a lifestyle in God's Presence! And some Thank Yous!
Thank you to Donna Heinrich for opening your home to all of the women at theeffect! A beautiful and gracious host! Thank you Donna for your heart and hospitality! I am so looking forward to co-leading these precious ladies with you this year!
Thank you to the women at theeffect church for saying with your valuable time, that our Father, our faith, this study, and these women are worth your time and commitment on Wednesday mornings! I do believe that God has plans for this group and each woman individually. I thank Him immensely for how He will speak into each of our lives and grow us even closer into His image!
I welcome each and every one of you to add comments and share what you may have received. Communication will add more thought and knowledge,insight to our week, and will help each other on this journey! Feel free to text and email each other throughout the week, please!
And now the study.... * This week was a delving into the Bible's personal nature and purpose. The Bible is God's love story for us. We read the Word not merely to gain head knowledge, but heart insight and transformation. We learned that we read to hear God's voice. We know that His Word will speak life into every area of our existence.
We were encouraged to read the Word daily. When we do this, a passion will grow within to stay in the Word, and the Word will create in you, with His Holy Spirit, an understanding of God Himself. The key is to be in the Word, taking it in, as it is truly our spiritual food, and then we will learn that the Bible reveals our new identity in Christ.
The Bible is Living and Active, and not merely a book. God speaks to us and into our lives with scripture. All scripture is God-breathed and inspired by the Holy Spirit. When we read, God speaks and his Holy Spirit reveals and activates gospel truth into our hearts and minds.
We shared beautiful and amazing testimonies of how God has spoken and is continuously speaking into our lives. Thank you so much to each of you! Your shares were great! I have known some of you for years and heard new testimonies that were powerful to my own heart!
Our homework last week was John, Chapters 1 through 5, and Psalms 1 and 2, (Sorry Judy! 😉), and to journal.
Homework for this week is to read John, Chapters 6 through 8, and Psalms 3 and 4, and to journal. Read the Beatitudes that were handed out.
Try to find quiet time to read the Word slowly throughout the week. Meditate on what you read, and memorize passages that stand out to you if you can. Journal your thoughts, prayers and dreams, as God will speak to your heart throughout the week. If you don't have time to read, you can listen to scriptures on phone apps or you can find them on YouTube (thank you JoAnn for letting us know). This is just one version, but there are more.
Please don't forget to carry your prayer card and to pray for the woman who gave you her card! And please keep her prayer request in your prayers. Prayer is so powerful! The power of prayer should never be underestimated! "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective" James 5:16. So never lose heart and never give up on prayer. God hears you!
Thank you again ladies! We will see you next Wednesday, September 25th at Donna's house!
Here for you always!
Kingdom Women International
Monday, June 18, 2018
EffectWomen Song for June
Click Here
Be bold!
Know Him!
Tell others!
Bring more to know Him!
He is Love!
He is Everything!
He is the air we breathe!
Praying that God will set a fire down in our souls!
We need more of God in our lives!Be bold!
Know Him!
Tell others!
Bring more to know Him!
He is Love!
He is Everything!
He is the air we breathe!
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